Ananta Narayanan Balaji

I am a Research Scientist in the Pervasive Systems Department at Nokia Bell Labs in Cambridge and part of the Device Forms team. My research focuses on developing cutting-edge, energy-efficient, and practical wearable sensing and computing solutions, paving the way for the next generation of wearable technology. Some topics we explore include (but are not limited to) Health sensing, Earable computing, Low power on-device ML, and Batteryless sensing.

I finished my Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore under the supervision of Professor Li-Shiuan Peh. My PhD focused on real-time, low-power sensing solutions and platform optimizations for next-gen wearables. My Ph.D. thesis was nominated for the ACM SIGMOBILE Doctoral Dissertation Award from National University of Singapore. Before joining NUS, I completed my Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India, and the National University of Singapore.

I take a systems builder approach to research, focusing on building end-to-end hardware and software systems. During the past few years, My research has focused on advancing wearables in two main areas: (a) Novel health monitoring applications utilizing data from existing sensors in prevalent wearable platforms like Smartwatches and Earables, and (b) Efficient platform optimizations for emerging wearable devices, encompassing smart textiles and AR glasses.

Curriculum Vitæ


pH Watch - Leveraging Pulse Oximeters in Existing Wearables for Reusable, Real-time Monitoring of pH in Sweat
Health sensing Sweat sensing Smartwatches
Ananta Narayanan Balaji*, Chen Yuan*, Bo Wang, Li-Shiuan Peh, Huilin Shao
International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys) 2019

AI-on-skin: Enabling On-body AI Inference for Wearable Artificial Skin Interfaces
Smart textiles On-device AI Human computer Interaction
Ananta Narayanan Balaji and Li-Shiuan Peh
CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2021
[Press: [] ]

AI-on-skin: Towards Enabling Fast and Scalable On-body AI Inference for Wearable On-Skin Interfaces
Smart textiles On-device AI Human computer Interaction
Ananta Narayanan Balaji and Li-Shiuan Peh
Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 6, EICS, Article 187 (June 2023) (To appear)

RetroSphere: Self-Contained Passive 3D Controller Tracking for Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality (AR) Devices 3D tracking Human computer Interaction
Ananta Narayanan Balaji, Clayton Kimber, David Li, Shengzhi Wu, Ruofei Du and David Kim
ACM IMWUT Distinguished Paper Award (Vol. 6) ACM SIGMOBILE Research Highlights

Stereo-BP: Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Sensing with Earables
Health sensing Earables Blood pressure
Ananta Narayanan Balaji, Andrea Ferlini, Fahim Kawsar and Alessandro Montanari
The 24th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (ACM HotMobile’23), February 2023

EarSet: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Studying the Impact of Head and Facial Movements on In-Ear PPG Signals
Health sensing Earables Vital Signs Nature Scientific Data 2023 (To Appear)

SeRaNDiP - Leveraging Inherent Sensor Random Noise for Differential Privacy Preservation in Wearable Community Sensing Applications
Differential Privacy Wearables Crowd Sensing
Ayanga Imesha Kalupahana, Ananta Narayanan Balaji, Xiaokui Xiao and Li-shiuan Peh
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 7, May 2023 (ACM IMWUT/Ubicomp'23)

1.7pJ/SOP Neuromorphic Processor with Integrated Partial Sum Routers for In-Network Computing
On-device AI AI accelerators Wearables IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2023


Meta Reality Labs, Redmond

Low power and minimal calibration solution for in-ear sensing in hearables.

May 2022 - Sep 2022
Nokia Bell Labs, Cambridge

Exploration into in-ear PPG signals for robust vital sign sensing with future hearables and how blood pressure sensing can be achieved in future hearables.

Sep 2021 - Dec 2021
Google, San Francisco

Low power and Low compute interaction input methods/techniques for future Augmented Reality

March 2020 - Jun 2020
Portcast, Singapore

Backend development for predicting routes and arrival times in Marine logistics

January 2019 - Jun 2019
Temasek automation and control labs @ NUS, Singapore

Noise Filtering and UAV tracking with neuromorphic cameras (ATIS camera)

April 2016 - Jun 2016
Panasonic R&D Center Singapore

Deep Learning based sentence classification for chatbots

Dec 2015 - Mar 2016
TCS Innovation Labs, Chennai

Devlopment of a Natural Language based question answering system

Dec 2015 - Mar 2016

Work Experience

Works Applications (also AI works), Singapore

Automatic form filling and table identification for payment invoices, sales spreadsheets, resume etc.

Dec 2015 - Mar 2016

Academic Service


Paper Reviewer: ACM IMWUT


Paper Reviewer: ACM IMWUT, CHI, TEI, DIS, Ubicomp/ISWC, EICS


Paper Reviewer: ACM IMWUT, CSCW, Transactions on Computers(TC), CHI, TEI, Ubicomp/ISWC, MobileHCI


Paper Reviewer: ACM IMWUT, CHI, TEI, DIS, MobileHCI, World Haptics Symposium, ISMAR

Programme Committee Member: EICS 2023 Late breaking work, Mobisys 2023 Atrifcat evaluation


National University of Singapore

Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
January 2018 - September 2023

National University of Singapore

M.Sc in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aug 2015 - May 2016

Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai

Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Engineering
Aug 2011 - May 2015